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Showing posts from November, 2010

Train the Trainer in Health and Human Rights

please distribute widely Human Rights Training for Health Professional Educators: “Train the Trainer” Course in Health and Human Rights When: 24 – 28 January 2011 Where: Post-Graduate Room 1, Barnard Fuller Building, Health Sciences Faculty, University of Cape Town, South Africa Who: Teaching staff in institutions who are responsible for training health professionals - Universities, Colleges and other Training Facilities. Participants should ideally be teachers active in undergraduate or postgraduate teaching and in a position to introduce or facilitate ongoing sustainability of training initiatives beyond the course. Why: Training in human rights for health professionals has increasingly been identified as a critical need for the health sector. This is particularly the case in light of the findings of the Truth Commission that highlighted the role played by training institutions in human rights abuses under apartheid. Recently, professional councils hav...

Applications Invited - Postulez dès maintenant: IPHU course in Dakar, Senegal (Jan-Feb 2011)

Français ci-dessus Please distribute far and wide across your networks! The International People's Health University (IPHU) of the People's Health Movement (PHM) Jointly with Human Action for Integrated Development in Senegal (AHDIS) and Forum des Alternatives Maroc (FMAS) are pleased to announce THE STRUGGLE FOR HEALTH a short course for young health activists, scheduled in Dakar, Senegal From 30 January to 11 February 2011 including participation in the World Social Forum (WSF) from 6 to 11 Feb. 2011) The course will be conducted in French and English with simultaneous translation. A limited number of scholarships for travel and/or accommodation will be available for qualified applicants.Priority will be given to qualified applicants from Senegal, other West African French-speaking countries and Maghreb region. APPLICATIONS INVITED Application deadline: 19 December 2010 Online application available in English at:

People's Health Assembly 3 to be held in Cape Town, July 2012

The 3rd People’s Health Assembly (PHA3) to be held in Cape Town in July 2012. Over the past several years, PHM Circles across the globe have made great strides toward the goal of “Health for All Now,” and PHA3 is an opportunity to take stock of all aspects of the movement. It will be an opportunity to analyze the current global health situation, celebrate strengths and accomplishments of PHM, and to strengthen the global network. It is now time to start preparing for PHA3! 2011 will be used for mobilization within countries and regions, in a lead up to and in preparation for the 3rd PHA. We encourage all PHM friends to use existing events in 2011 for this mobilization; and for building PHM. Please keep us informed of any regional events taking place that you think could be used for mobilization towards the Assembly. Activities can include: reviewing and / or translating the People’s Charter for Health (if not already translated; we have it in over 40 languages already; see...

European free trade agreements and the right to health in the south

The right to health is a right for all. Even though states have to ensure that all citizens are able to enjoy this right, the right to health is being threatened by economic interests. This is illustrated by the free trade agreements the European Union is negotiating with countries in the South. Read the summary on the link below: The summary is drawn from the Platform's report "The EU's bilateral FTA Negotiations are a Threat to the Right to Health" (April 2010). The text of the full paper can be downloaded on: For further information you can contact Wim De Ceukelaire at or Katrien Vervoot at

Funding for HR prjoects/ financement pour projects de droits humains

UN Fund for human rights, democracy, community development... United Nations Democracy Fund accepting proposal applications from today onwards Deadline: 31 December 2010 All Countries The United Nations Democracy Fund is accepting proposal applications from civil society organizations to fund projects on human rights, democracy, community development, women, youth and the media... A Short Guide for NGOs to write proposal for United Nations Democracy Fund Our unofficial guide to assist small and medium-sized organizations to understand and write effective application to apply for the United Nations Democracy Fund... Deadlines approaching... Human Rights Advocates Programme: Opportunity for human rights activists and NGOs - 19 November 2010 G/TIP International...